A Tale of Two Markets The Triangle MLS just released our monthly video (URL) on market conditions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Hxxj6w5ORs&feature=youtu.be The video covers the market-at-large. We analyze the Wake County (more than half of sales) and Raleigh market (3x the Cary Market) more closely. And as before( http://blog.raleighhometeam.com/?p=31&preview=true) we concentrate on the resale single-family home market, and define it […]
All posts by Bo Bromhal
The Hidden Horrors of Going FSBO (For Sale by Owner)
Many home sellers have considered skipping the real estate agent to save on closing costs, but very few have actually succeeded in seeing those savings. There’s a good reason: the average homeowner doesn’t have the rigorous training and real estate knowledge that a licensed agent does. But just what makes For Sale By Owner (FSBO) […]
6 Reasons Why Owning a Home is Awesome
How’s the Market Inside the Beltline and North Hills in 2017?
As I said in the last post (http://blog.raleighhometeam.com/?p=31&preview=true), we watch the market for single family RESALE homes, and then we distinguish them by their price range – over or under $500,000. Here’s what the market has done in these zip codes: 27607, 27608, and 27609 – the core expensive zips ITB and including the North […]
How Buyers and Sellers Have Lost Thousands of Dollars to Email Scams
Email scams are as old as, well, email, but as the years go by, these scams have become more and more sophisticated. Recently, several home buyers have fallen victim to specially targeted email scams that attempt to rob them of their closing costs — sometimes up to hundreds of thousands of dollars. These types of […]
Don’t Pay Your Property Taxes!!
6 Questions to Ask When Considering a Neighborhood with an HOA
Let’s say you have your heart set on buying a home in a community with a swimming pool, a clubhouse, and maybe even a playground or trails. Having access to these amenities often means living in a community with a homeowners association, or HOA. Generally, an HOA is responsible for keeping the neighborhood looking beautiful […]
Want Top Dollar for Your Home? Hire a Real Estate Pro
A quick Google search is all it takes to discover hundreds of new recipes, do-it-yourself projects, and tips about how to stage your home. With so much information available online, especially about the home selling process, many homeowners start to wonder whether it’s faster and more cost-efficient to sell their own homes rather than hiring […]
Should You Hire a Professional or DIY on Those Home Repairs?
To DIY or not to DIY? That’s the question on many homeowners’ minds when there’s a repair or home improvement project on their to-do lists. The good news is that you can do plenty of things on your own. But for other projects, you’re better off hiring a licensed contractor, plumber, or electrician to do […]